SPOKANE, WA. March 26, 2024- Planet Turf, (www.planetturfusa.com) a company providing professional grounds managers products and solutions in the Pacific Northwest, Alaska, and the Pacific Rim. announced today that Jared and Karin Whitaker are shareholder partners in Planet Turf. Mr Whitaker has been instrumental in the establishment and growth of Planet Turf since 2011 and now shares ownership with founders Jim and Amy Connolly. “Jared’s contribution to making Planet Turf a turfgrass industry leader is a result of his relentless drive to help the company succeed. He is a leader and has a great business mind. His addition to the ownership board of directors will strengthen the leadership team.” says Jim Connolly, Planet Turf founder and co-owner. Whiteker, like Connolly, graduated from Washington State University with degrees in Agronomy and have worked together for 13 years. Jared resides in Hartline, Washington, with his wife Karin, also a part of the management team, with their 3 children. “I am thrilled to be part of Planet Turf and look forward to continued growth and opportunities to come.” says Whitaker.
Planet Turf distributes fertilizer, grass seed, pesticides, golf accessories, equipment, and various other products used for the care and management of turfgrass and ornamentals. The Company was founded in 2008 and now services over 350 customers in multiple markets. Planet Turf is a co-owner of United Turf Alliance (www.utaarmortech.com) a consortium of turf and ornamental product distributors throughout the USA.