Planet Turf Tea Seed Meal

i. Internet source; https://extension.psu.edu/look-out-for-jumping-earthworms
ii. Potter, D.A., C.T. Redmond, K.M. Meepagala and D.W. Williams. 2010. Managing earthworm casts (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) in turfgrass using a natural byproduct of tea oil (Camellia sp.) manufacture. Pest Management Science 66:439–446.
iii. Internet source; https://content.ces.ncsu.edu/earthworm-in-turf
SAPONIN and TEA SEED are buzz words connected to the topic of invasive worms, specifically Jumping Worms and Hammerhead Worms. Asian jumping worms (amynthas agrestis), Hammerhead Worms (Bipalium), and earthworms are currently causing economic damage to landscape areas, forest soils, gardens, and turfgrass. Jumping Worms and Hammerhead Words are listed in the USDA National Invasive Species Information Center publication. Asian jumping worm activity, as well as invasive earthworm activity causes a myriad of destructive results related to soil nutrient imbalance, nutrient leaching, imbalances with bacteria and fungi, plant root damage, and more. The Hammerhead worm
produces neurotoxin in their mucus that may harm people or pets. In both cases, researchers report substances containing natural saponin are proven to drive the worms from underground to the surface where they can be collected.
Planet Turf Tea Seed meal makes no pesticidal claims. Research shows the application of saponins to the soil has a predicted effect on invasive worms and will also reduce the frequency of worm castings. Mitigating the damage includes multiple management techniques.i
Research shows the best time to apply saponin is when castings or plant damage are observed. Apply at that 6 lbs./1000 sq. ft. This results in reduction of earthworm castings worms on the ground surface.ii
Managing casting information can be found at NC State Publication below.iii
Planet Turf is ready to supply your needs for 50 or 25 lb. bags of Tea Seed Meal.
i. Internet source; https://extension.psu.edu/look-out-for-jumping-earthworms
ii. Potter, D.A., C.T. Redmond, K.M. Meepagala and D.W. Williams. 2010. Managing earthworm casts (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) in turfgrass using a natural byproduct of tea oil (Camellia sp.) manufacture. Pest Management Science 66:439–446.
iii. Internet source; https://content.ces.ncsu.edu/earthworm-in-turf
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March 6, 2024 – Moghu USA, the owner of PoaCure® SC, a selective herbicide for the eradication of Poa annua on golf courses, announced today Planet Turf will be a distribution partner for Washington, Oregon, and northern Idaho.
“We are strategically expanding PoaCure® SC distribution coverage with great partners.” Director of Sales and Technology, Kyung Han, said. “We look forward to great partnerships and serving more golf courses.”
Poa Cure provides post and pre-emergent control of both annual and perennial biotypes of poa annua and also controls Poa trivialis. These grasses are one of the most common and detrimental weeds that invade Kentucky bluegrass, fine fescue, perennial ryegrass, and creeping bentgrass.
“I first became aware of methiozolin, the active ingredient in Poa Cure, while attending a Washington State University graduate program, and I knew this active ingredient would be something very special.” Jim Connolly, owner of Planet Turf. “We are honored to be part of the Poa Cure team!”
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources has an interesting take on the benefits of earthworms. According to Andy Holdsworth, Cindy Hale, and Lee Frelich of the University of Minnesota Center for Hardwood Ecology, .."in agricultural settings earthworms can also have harmful effects. For instance, their castings (worm excrement) can increase erosion along irrigation ditches. In the urban setting, earthworm burrows can cause lumpy lawns.
Feel the power and productivity of the SG52 zero-turn sprayer-spreader machine. With its dual 30-gallon spray tanks, Spyker 225-pound hydraulic-driven granular system, and high-density poly fertilizer trays, the SG52 holds up to 60 gallons of liquid and 325 pounds of granular product. Steel Green machines feature a decked-out 21-horsepower engine and a standard integrated 20/50 amp charging system, making them the most powerful stand-on sprayer-spreaders on the market today.
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SPOKANE, WA. March 26, 2024- Planet Turf (www.planetturfusa.com), a company providing professional grounds managers products and solutions in the Pacific Northwest, Alaska, and the Pacific Rim, announced today that Jared and Karin Whitaker are shareholder partners in...
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